Greensboro, NC

DOVER road

I was worried when I decided to start working on my own that I would miss being in an office, especially the collaboration, getting into the weeds over design details, and receiving critical feedback from colleagues. Who knows what would happen when left to my own devices…Luckily, for my first solo project I landed a great client that also happened to work in the design industry.

Sarah, founder of women’s clothing line, Marie Oliver, and her husband had just purchased a new home and were expecting their first child. As Sarah and I discussed their needs, the list kept growing. The common renovation trajectory of, “while we’re here, why don’t we add…” led to a renovation of the first floor, and addition of a new kitchen, mudroom, scullery, and covered porch. The second phase includes a renovation of the detached garage to include a studio apartment. It was truly a collaborative effort, Sarah and I spent hours over Zoom discussing, revising, perfecting the design for their family home. It was only made better by working with a great team; contractor Erica Worth, and interior designer Cara Cox.

Contractor: Erica Worth Builders
Interior Design: Cara Cox Interiors
Status: Under Construction

Site Plan


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Front Elevation

Above: Existing, Demolition, and New Stair Configuration


